Getting Results Faster Series with PER-K™ technology

Personal and Professional Improvement

Getting Results Faster can be implemented through individual coaching, as a group training session and as a combination of both.

The timing of when to use this process depends on what the goal is or the expected results are for example:

Prior to a new corporate reorganization:

Fear of the perceived impact a reorganization has on each individual will often significantly slow down performance. And once the reorganization is announced, the required changes are often met with complaints and resistance.

As the reorganization is announced, have all employees attend and experience a Getting Results Faster session designed specifically to address the fears and concerns about the upcoming changes as well as the general resistance to change.
Establish a new mindset of positive expectations and personal responsibility to move forward.

After a sales training rollout:


Teaching sales people how to prospect, ask questions, or convert the sale using new techniques often results in short term application yet failure in the long term.

To ensure long term success have sales people attend and experience a Getting Results Faster session designed specifically to address the new sales techniques as well as any general self sabotaging behaviors that impact selling success.

Focal Points

There are six distinctive pre-defined modules that can be utilized in this process. Each module is designed to deal with specific areas that are critical to corporate and individual success. After the process, each individual on a team will have dealt with self-limiting beliefs (that lead to self defeating behavior) and created new self-empowering beliefs (that lead to increased performance and confidence.).
The six areas that can be focused upon include:

  • Exceptional Leadership - Leading by Example
  • Peak Sales Performance - The Psychological Advantage
  • Team Building - Enhancing Group Effectiveness
  • Turning Stress into Success - A Whole-Brain Perspective
  • Making Seven Habits Automatic - Creating Highly Effective People
  • Effective Communication - The Whole-Brain Connection

Additional modules can be customized to meet your specific initiatives such as:

  • Emotional Intelligence - Integrating into Daily Behavior
  • Safety - Ensuring safety Awareness and Actions
  • Performance Appraisals - Gaining Commitment to Expected Results
  • Ethics - Aligning Individual and Organizational Agreements
  • Responsibility and Accountability - Personal commitment

After locating the storehouse for attitudes and beliefs, our unique process enables individuals to replace old self-defeating beliefs with new supporting and self-empowering ones. The really important aspect is the process is simple, direct, effective and verifiable. In other words, it works!



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